Meeting the end- Cape Canorim

I always wonder, how we struggle throughout our lives, making those endless, infinite, and invincible ends to meet. Little joys are viciously sacrificed for improbable aspirations. Walking on the roadside,  people can be seen dwelling inside their slums. A small gesture of kindness is a blessing for them. Endorsed by the sign  'Anything helps', they are on their own quest of meeting the ends.

Now, on moving further on the same road, you are manifested with a white-washed, double storied house with dark-colored window panes. They may be the crème da  la crème.Being self-sufficient, they will never ask for any help. For them, individuals are not worth asking, only multinational banks can suffice their desires. The car, house, and gadgets, everything is based on credit. The same mysterious case of the ends that never meet.

Whatever the world does, I   found my own ways of meeting the end. I had reached the endpoint of the Indian Subcontinent- Cape Canorim (Kanyakumari). Reaching Kanyakumari just before the dawn, I could smell the green-blue sea in the air.
My train journey ended at Nagercoil and then I took a bus for Kanyakumari (20 km). There are plenty of attractions including- Vivekanand Rock Memorial, Gandhi Mandapam, Kumari Amman Temple, Kanyakumari Fort, and Sunset Point. 
Enjoy the handicraft market with roadside medu vada and chai, all beside a  potpourri of the refreshing Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and Bay Of Bengal.


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